Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We had a really good three day weekend that involved haircuts for Aidan and David, a family trip to the swimming pool with ice cream afterwards, good food, beautiful weather, the zoo with friends, Red Mill Burgers, the park with Bekky and Juston and their cute puppy Maggie and a trip to Jetty Island. 

It is good to finally have summer!
I'm pretty sure this is Aidan's third piece of corn
Aidan helping me water the flowers
 Our friends Rachel and Phil came down from Bellingham for the day and we went to the zoo with our kiddos. Katheryn and Aidan are almost exactly 1 year apart and we hope that soon enough they will be good friends.

Hmm....maybe puppies eat woodchips
Here you go Maggie
We decided to go to Jetty Island on Monday which is a man-made island in Everett. The ferry is free but we had to wait a long time since it was a holiday and the last day of the season. It was worth the wait though and we had a great time playing in the sand. 

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