Friday, September 23, 2011

A picture post

A playdate with Aidan's best bud David. They both were confused why there was no water in the pool. Sorry boys, this mama was lazy (and it wasn't that warm outside)
Despite Aidan's desire to constantly tackle him, David seems to still like hanging out with us. Sorry buddy!
Aidan sitting with Papaw at our most recent Leavenworth visit.
Spending time in the Wenatchee river. It was not very deep. Perfect for a curious toddler!
Playing in the sand
Finally we took a picture of my growing belly. Despite what you think I am bigger than I was before, even if I don't look it. I am 18 weeks along now and can't wait for our 20 wk ultrasound when we get to find out the gender of our baby.
Have I mentioned that Aidan LOVES broccoli? Here he is shoveling it in with two hands.
Our tomatoes are producing so much right now! We have 2 Roma plants and 2 cherry tomato plants and they are providing us with plenty of fresh tomatoes.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Awww, that picture of Aidan on David is so cute! I want it! :)