Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving weekend

     This past weekend we also got to spend a lot of time with family. Thursday we had Thanksgiving dinner with David's family at Bekky & Juston's house. We had a lovely feast and everything turned out great. I think my favorite this year was the delicious yam dish that David and I made. It was quite a hit and even those who are not usually a fan were commenting on how good it was. After dinner Aidan was acting quite strange as in wanting to sit on my lap and not wanting to get down. He even said to me "night night" and "home." He had a little fever and was so adimant about leaving to go to bed that we left early. Luckily for David and I we were sent home with 3 kinds of delicious pie. 

     Friday we enjoyed a "North Pole Breakfast" which for us this year consisted of going out to get donuts and eating them while listening to Christmas music and drinking hot chocolate. We then worked to pack up the car to head out to my Dad's house in Winthrop. We drove the 2 1/2 hours to Leavenworth and stopped at my grandparents cabin to eat our lunch and take a break from the car. We packed up their stuff, my mom arrived and then we all (Mom, Casey, Mamaw and Papaw, David, Aidan and I) drove the 2+ hours to Winthrop to where my dad lives. Overall Aidan did great in the car and we were appreciative of such a patient kid.
My dad has a house that is in the middle of a winter wonderland. He has been working for the past 5 years to remodel his house and it was great to get to see all that he has done. Of course Aidan loved getting to spend time with his "bumpa bis" (Grandpa Chris) and his dog Layla. One of Aidan's favorite games, when he wasn't hitting Layla, was to pet her and have her give him kisses. He thought it was hilarious. It was really great for me to see him interact with my dad, Casey and my grandparents since he doesn't get to see them very often. I think they enjoyed it just as much as he did!
Dressed for the snow

Aidan playing with Mamaw and Papaw. I loved seeing them all together this weekend.
We had a Salmon dinner Friday night and then a traditional Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday. We played in the snow, ate and ate, and sat around catching up. The real bummer was that Aidan was sick all weekend and had a fever and was not really himself. He had two terrible nights and David and I were definitely sleep deprived all weekend. We packed up the cars yesterday and drove back to Seattle.

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