Monday, October 10, 2011

Pumpkins and Apples

Saturday we went up to Bellingham to join our friends Rachel & Phil for a fun fall day. We went to Stoney Ridge Farms and enjoyed looking at pumpkins, picking apples, eating apples, watching the goats, eating donuts and spending time in the sunshine. After Stoney Ridge we went to Bellewood Acres, an apple orchard nearby. We got to do some apple tasting and bought delicious apple cider and sparkling cider. It was a beautiful fall day!
Picking apples! We brought home over 20 lbs
Aidan loves goats. He may not look like he's having a good time but believe me he had been saying "goat, goat" over and over.
Aidan and Katheryn

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Such cute pictures! I love Stoney Ridge! Glad to hear you guys made it up to the 'ham. It's the best. :)