Tuesday, October 4, 2011


In preparation for Aidan having a new sibling we decided to get him a baby doll. Keep in mind that despite my efforts to help him attach to something Aidan has never taken to a binkie, blanket or stuffed animal. Much to our surprise he loves his baby, asks for it and knows how to take care of it. Lately he has been obsessed with putting a new diaper on the baby. He and his baby go to sleep at the same time and we hear him reading in his crib. I like to think he's preparing for when he gets to be a big brother. I find it sweet to see him be so caring and gentle towards something when I feel like I spend a lot of time policing and trying to teach him not to hit or push other kids.
Feeding the baby
Another favorite new toy....a stroller!
 Speaking of babies....we find out on Thursday if baby #2 is a boy or a girl! Can't wait!

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