Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Utila adventure

We recently had a visit from my mom and brother Casey. They came to Honduras for 2 weeks and we got to spend a week with them on one of the bay islands and then a week showing them around Copan. Here are some pictures from our adventure on Utila.

My mom rented a house on the beach. This is a picture David took of the sunrise the first morning we were there. He was sitting in the backyard. Out in the water about 50 yards from the short wall was a coral reef. We carefully walked out there on the sand then then snorkeled and saw many beautiful fish.
David and Zach were very excited to go out in the reef and had to try on the gear for size. They also wanted to try and improve their tan since the only tan they get here in Copan is a farmers tan due to the polo shirts we have to wear for uniforms. When we were snorkeling we saw a stingray, brightly colored fish, many parrotfish. We couldn't help but think of finding Nemo as we explored the reef.
The tans however did not work out as planned. This is after applying a lot of sunscreen. Zach's back was the best. He put on sunscreen and then sat on a wooden beach chair waiting for us to be ready. The wooden chair absorbed the sunscreen so he burned in a nice striped pattern.
One of the days in Utila we rented a golf cart and set off on the island. We had a lot of fun testing the limits of the cart. Another day we took a boat trip to a couple different beaches and the keys off of Utila. We had a very strange driver who barely spoke to us about what we were going to do. At one point we found ourselves stranded on an island hoping he was going to come back and pick us up.

On the last day we went to swim and it started raining while we were there. As we were riding bikes back to the house it started to downpour. We later admired the tropical storm from our back porch.

Overall we had a very nice trip. Our only complaint were the sand fleas who despite the amount of bug stuff we applied still seemed to eat us up.

David and Zach went exploring some caves. We were able to eat a nice variety of foods and celebrated many GOLDEN birthdays. Casey turned 21 on March 21st which was while we were on the island. David turned 24 on March 24th which was after we got back to Copan.

For his birthday I got David a GPS which is something he has been wanting. He thinks it is awesome and has been using to track all sorts of things. He informs me now that our walk to school is 1.4 miles. Thank you GPS...now we know how far we walk and our average speed not to mention so much more.

Happy Birthday David!!!

Also, David really likes coconuts. At the house where we stayed there were many coconut trees and David cut a coconut down each day.

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