Saturday, March 7, 2009

Fun Day and Field Trips

The school's anniversary was this month so we had a full week of fun. Each day was a different theme day all week. At the end of the week we had a 'Fun Day' which means a half day of school where the teachers put on a sort of carnival. We had frisbee toss, face painting, food, a water slide, music, a soccer tournament, an eating contest and much more. These are some brothers who are competing in a tortilla on a string eating contest.
Some of the 5th grade boys as they wait for their team's turn in the soccer tournament.
The teachers having "FUN" on Fun Day. Perhaps this is after the kids went home.
A couple of weekends ago we went to Agua Caliente, a natural hot spring, to celebrate another teacher's birthday. The highlight of the trip was getting to ride for an hour in the back of a pick up. We enjoyed standing up as we went bumping down the dirt road enjoying no seat belt laws. It was awesome.

David has been taking a few field trips with his middle school students. For an art class they hiked up to Llanatillos, an aldea (a small village) oustide of town. We visited this place back in the fall. They make pottery up there so the students learned the process and even got to buy clay to make their own pieces. As usual the educational part lasted only a few minutes and then the students spent the rest of the time playing soccer with the little children at the school up there.
This sign is a welcome sign except it should say Bienvenido. We often see signs where people mix up their "v" and "b".
Maria, the woman making the pottery, constructed this beautiful pot in a mere 5 minutes.

A week later, David went again with the secondary students on another field trip. This time it was for PE class and they hiked up to La Pintada. This is the village where they make corn husk dolls and weave cloth.
David may have found a new profession.
They also spent time visiting the small school in La Pintada.
On the way home they stopped at "Los Sapos" which means the frogs and is a small ruin site. After seeing the main ruins in Copan these just look like a bunch of rocks. Supposedly it is a Mayan fertility site.

Well that is a glimse as to what we have been up to lately. Each day the weather changes so we never know what to expect. We hear that this is the coldest Feb/March they have had in a long time and we should have had hot summer weather for a long time by now. The sun is shining today and we hope we've had the last of the cold.

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