Monday, June 8, 2009

Last Day of School!

School is out! We finished up last week and it all went by so fast. I felt like there should be some more closure or something but no, it just ended. I have to say there is something about knowing it is the end of the year that makes the students go crazy. As hard as I tried to capture a good moment with them in the last few, I was disappointed to see that it was full of fighting, yelling, arguing, and name-calling. It is hard to like them when all I do is put out fires. Up until literally the last minute they were pushing their boundaries. But I think back on the year and I know there have been some very good times. They are a cute bunch and have really formed a united group. When I asked them how they wanted to spend the last day they said "just with our class, not the entire 5th grade" I take that as a compliment as I have tried to form a very close group. I asked them to tell me their favorite thing we did this year. By far the winners were: digging holes, going to the bird park and our morning circle.
So we started out last day by cleaning up. Luis is standing on top of the cubbies trying to scrape the double stick foam tape off the wall. That is the only thing that works on the walls here to put up posters. In the afternoon we hiked up behind the school to a place on the hill for our picnic party. Their idea of a party includes popcorn, chips, candy, cookies and Coke.
And there you have it. I will miss seeing these guys but sure don't mind that I don't have to teach them anymore.

1 comment:

Daniel and Laura said...


sorry we didn't find your blog sooner! Can't wait to see you both really really soon!

Have a safe trip home!