Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shower in the Rain

On Saturday David came down to the living room in our house with the bar of soap from the shower. He turns to me and says "I think I'm going to shower and wash my clothes!" And by that he meant a shower outside in the rain. It is now the rainy season and we can expect a rain late in the day. Lately it has caused the power and water to go out. So after hiking in the morning with me and a few friends David was ready to shower. The lack of water and power didn't stop him because it was beginning to rain hard outside. So way to be resourceful. We each showered outside in our little patio area, David washed some clothes and I did the dishes all with the rain water. Not the most clean but hey this is Honduras.

Speaking of things that happen only in Honduras... Today at school a student brought a BB gun to school to "give" to a friend. They had it out during recess apparently shooting at a bee's nest. In the states this would most likely lead to suspension or even expulsion. Only in Honduras would the kids get off with a warning.

Well, only a few more days left at school. It is getting harder and harder to keep the students' attention. The teachers are starting to check out too as we look forward to the things that come next in our lives. We still don't know yet exactly what we will be doing. So far the plan is to return to Seattle and stay with my mom until we find a place to live and hopefully jobs.

Here are a few pictures from some hikes lately. David has been trying to place some geocaches. Here is one he did a couple of weeks ago at a waterfall. He is hiding the cache and you can see it in the third picture if you look closely.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Hey guys,

We heard about the big earthquake in Honduras this week, did you guys make it through that alright?