Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cold weather

We've had some interesting weather lately. Everyone here is shocked that it is cold in February. Apparently this is the coldest winter they have had in a long time. But the funny thing about cold here is that it is only about 50 degrees. Everyone gets their gloves, scarves and hats out and walks around as if it were below freezing. With the cold this week came the rain. We woke up Monday morning to really hard rain at 4am. Rain is good but it makes everything muddy. The dust has collected over the the last month or so and now the streets have about a 1/2 inch of dust covering them. Then the rain came and turned that dust to slippery mud that we carefully walk through to get anywhere.

We found out yesterday morning that we were going to go home from school at 11am. There had been no water at the school for 2 days. You can imagine the problem this presents when you have about 300 students who use the bathrooms. It made me laugh to think of what parents would think in the states if their students were sent home because the school had no water. This is a common occurrence here in Honduras.

Weekends here are pretty relaxing. David's new Saturday routine is to wake up at 6am and go hiking in the hills surrounding Copan. Each week he has goals to find a way to get over certain peaks. I on the otherhand enjoy my extra few hours of sleep and David comes home from his hikes a few hours later to find that I haven't moved a muscle. Last week he saw an amazing rainbow. However he says that this picture does not do it justice.
Over our Christmas break we were lucky enough to have our house painted. Before it was a beige color that was very dirty and looked as if it hadn't been painted in years. We came home from Costa Rica to find our house painted green. We love it and were glad that we didn't have to be there to watch them paint our high ceilings. We'll get a better picture up soon.
Well that is a random update on us.

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