Thursday, August 28, 2008


Right now we are sitting in our favorite cafe and it is raining so hard outside. For the past couple of hours it has been grumbling outside. The thunder was loud and often and everyone kept saying that it was going to be a hard rain. It just started and we are thankful to be under cover. Our only concern is that the power will go out. This is such a common occurrence here in Copan. It seems that either the power is out or the water is off most of the time.

We are feeling pretty prepared for the school year to start. We've both started planning the first week of school and our classrooms are looking much better. Tomorrow all of the students and their parents come to meet us and to see their classrooms. I (Cody) only have 14 students so it should allow me to work closely with each of them. David teaches 5 classes of math and a computer class. We are happy to note that as of yesterday we now have a computer lab of 7 computers. The middle school science teacher has been working hard for the last few months to order and send parts to the school. Now we just have to get a printer. That is one thing that is very hard here. The internet is accessible because we have our laptop but in order to print we have to save to a flash drive and take it to a local shop. We have to do the same with copies so it will be interesting to see how that works this year.

Here are some pictures of our classrooms.
David's classroom before he put up some posters.
My 5th grade classroom at the beginning of the year.

I added some pictures to our flickr site of some interesting insect type things we've seen in our house and classroom and also a view from one of the many hills in town that looks down on the square. You can also see the little red "mototaxis" which are very common here and can power up and down the cobblestone hills like it is no effort.

1 comment:

Deb Card said...

It sounds like quite an interesting experience for you two. Do you find most people speak at least a little English? What is the native tongue there? Are you still excited about doing this? Sorry, I'm just full of questions today.